
phy2161 -2nd sem

unit :1  Conducting materials 

1..Define density of states 2
2.Define drift velocity and give its formula: 2
3.Define electrical conductivity. Give its unit. 2
4.Define fermi energy. 2
5.Define lorentz number 2
6.Define mobility of electrons: 2
7.Define the term average energy of electron 2
8.Define zero probability, unit probability and fractional probability: 2
9.Explain band structure of conducting material 2
10.Give the fermi distribution function 2
11.Give two important postulates of classical theory 2
12.How does Fermi distribution function varies with respect to temperature? 2
13.State the differences between quantum theory and classical theory2
14.State wiedemann franz law 2
15.What are conductors? 2
16.What are the merits of classical free electron theory 2
17.What is a conducting material? 2
18.Write the Fermi dirac distribution function and give its importance 2
19.Use the Fermi distribution function to obtain the value of E - Ef = 0.01eV at 200 K: 4
20.Explain the effect of the temperature dependence of the Fermi function4
21.Obtain an expression for the carrier concentration of metals 4
22.State the Wiedemann-Franz law and hence obtain the values of K/(ƒãT) 4
23.What are the advantages and drawbacks of classical free electron theory? 4
24.Derive an expression for the carrier concentration of metals. 6
25.Derive an expression for the density of states. 6
26.Describe about the Fermi-Dirac distribution function. 6
27.Describe the classical free electron theory of metals. Mention the advantages of this theory6
28.Explain the conduting materials based on band theory6
29.Explain the effect of temperature on the Fermi function. 6
30.State Wiedemann-Franz law. Deduce the Wiedemann-Franz law.6
31.Derive an expression for electrical conductivity: 8
32.Derive an expression for thermal conductivity: 8
33.Discuss the main concepts of quantum theory 8
34.Give the postulates of classical free electron theory 8
35.What is density of states? Derive an expression for the density of states. 10
36.Derive an expression for density of states 12
37.Describe about the Fermi-Dirac distribution function and explain the effect of temperature on the Fermi function. 12
38.Using the classical free theory, derive the mathematical expressions for the electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of metals. 12
39.Derive an expression for carrier concentration of metals 16
40.Derive an expression for electrical conductivity of a conducting material and hence obtain widemann franz law: 16
41.Derive the expression for electrical conductivity and hence discuss the drawbacks of classical free electron theory based on the expression 

Dielectric materials

 1.Define dielctric breakdown
2.Define dielectric constant
3.Define dielectric loss
4.Define dielectric strength 
5.Define displacement vector 
6.Define the phenomenon of electrical polarization in dielectric materials
7.Distinguish between polar and non polar substances 
8.What are four types of polarization 
9.What are the applications of the dielectric materials?
10.What are the different types of dielectric breakdown 
11.What is a dielectric material? 
12.What is local field of dielectric 
13.What is meant by polarization 
14.Explain the frequency dependence of polarization. 
15.Mention some of application of dielectic materials 
16.What are the application of ferroelectric materials?
17.What is dielectric loss? Discuss about dielectric loss. 
18.Write short notes on ferroelectric materials 
19.Describe the properties and applications of various insulating materials
20.Discuss the different types of dielectric breakdown 
21.Explain the different types of polarization 
22.What do you mean by dielectric breakdown? Discuss about the different types of breakdown occurs in dielectric materials. 
23.Derive an expression for local field of dielectric by lorentz method 
24.What are ferroelectric materials? Explain the different types of ferroelectric materials. 
25.Discuss about the different types of polarizations mechanisms 
26.What is internal filed? Derive a mathematical expression for the internal field. 
27.Derive Claussius Mosotti equation 
28.Explain the different types of polarization mechanisms in dielectrics and sketch thier dependence on the frequency of applied field
29.What are ferroelectric materials? Explain the different types of ferroelectric materials. Discuss about the properties and applications of ferroelectric materials.

Magnetic materials

 1.Define Hystersis:
2.Explain the phenomenon of superconductivity
3.Explain the terms the remenance and coercivity:
4.Mention the important properties of semiconductors?
5.Name some magnetic storage devices
6.What are magnetic domains?
7.What are paramagnetic materials
8.What are the properties of superconductors?
9.what is Meissner effect
10.What is the effect of current on the superconductors?
11.What is the effect of magnetic field on the superconductors?
12.What is the transition temperature of superconductor
13.Differentiate soft and hard magnetic materials
14.Distinguish type I and type II supercondutor
15.Explain the hysteresis curve using domain theory.
16.Mention any four applications of ferrites?
17.Mention some of the application of superconductor
18.What are high temperature superconductors? Explain.
19.What are SQUIDS?
20.Define critical field and discuss curve between temperature and magnetic field for a superconductor
21.Define critical temperature and critical field in superconductor
22.Discuss about the high temperature superconducting materials.
23.Distinguish between soft and hard magnetic materials.
24.Explain the BCS theory for superconductors.
25.Give some applications of ferromagnetic materials.
26.Explain briefly the salient points of BCS theroy
27.Explain the magnetic principle of recording and reading of data.
28.Explain the storage of data in (i) floppy disc, (ii) tapes and (iii) hard discs.
29.Explain in detail the process of recording and reading in Floppy disk
30.What are ferrites? Explain the structure of ferrites. What are the uses of ferrites?
31.Discuss hysterisis loop and hence explain domain theory of ferromagnetism. 32.What is superconductivity? Explain about the properties of superconductors. What are type I and type II superconductors?
33.What are ferrites? Explain the structure of ferrites. Explain about the synthesis of ferrites materials. What are the uses of ferrites?
34.What is ferromagnetic material? Explain the properties of ferromagnetic materials. Explain the hysteresis property using domains.
35.What is superconductivity? Explain about the properties of superconductors. Mention its uses. What are type I and type II superconductors?
36.write notes on energies involved in domain

Modern Engineering Materials

 1.Give the difference between martensite and austenite
2.Mention the applications of shape memory alloys
3.Mention the methods used to produce the nanomaterials
4.what are metallic glasses?
5.What are metallic glasses?
6.What are nanomaterials?
7.What are the allotropies of carbon?
8.What are the merits and demerits of SMA?
9.What do you mean by SWNT?
10.What is mean by shape memory alloys
11.What is meant by superelasticity?
12.Why do the metallic glasses are used as the core materials of the transformer?
13.Write any four applications of metallic glasses.
14.Explain the preparation of metallic glasses.
15.Mention the important application of nanomaterials
16.mention the important properties of shape memory alloys?
17.Mention the properties and the applications of carbon nanotubes
18.State the differences between single wall and multiwall CNT.
19.What are nanomaterials? What are the distinct properties of the nanomaterials?
20.Explain the ball milling method for the synthesis of nanomaterials
21.How nano particles are synthesised using ball milling method?
22.Mention the properties of Ni- Ti alloy.
23.What are carbon nanotubes? Explain the structures of carbon nanotubes.
24.What are nanomaterials? Mention the distinct properties and applications of nanomaterials
25.Compare the following methods used to synthesis CNT: (i) arc plasma, (ii) CVD and (iii) PLD
26.Explain the sol-gel method used to produce the nanomaterials
27.Explain the synthesis of metallic glasses using melt spinning
28.Explain the synthesis of metallic glasses using melt spinning. Explain the properties and applications of metallic glasses.
29.What are shape memory alloys? Explain how the shape memory alloys are produced. Explain the characteristics and applications of shape memory alloys.
30.Write preparation, properties and applications of CNT.
31.Describe in detail the various methods of synthesis of nanomaterials by bottom to top approach
32.Explain about the electrodeposition methods used to produce nanomaterials. What are the advantages and drawbacks of this method?
33.Explain how the metallic glasses are produced by two rollers method? Give the merrits and demerrits of the method.
34.What are nanophase materials? Explain how the physical properties vary with geometry?
35.What is ball milling? Explain how the nanoparticles are produced using ball milling. What are the advantages and drawbacks of this method?
36.Compare the following methods used to synthesis CNT: (i) arc plasma, (ii) CVD and (iii) PLD. What are the different structures of CNT? Mention the properties and applications of CNT.
37.What are nanomateriasl? Explain with neat sketch, the synthesis of carbon nanotube using arc plasma method. What are the merits and demerits of this method?
38.What are thw shape memory alloys? Write their characteristics .List out any four applications of SMA.

Semiconducting mater

 1.Compared with germanium , silicon is widely used to manufacture the elemental devices. Why?
2.Define Hall effect and Hall voltage?
3.Define mobility. Give its unit
4.Discuss about the variation of Fermi level in an intrinsic semiconductor
5.Discuss the variation of Fermi level of a p-type semiconductor with temperature.
6.Distinguish the elemental and compound semiconductor
7.Explain the phenomenon of negative temperature co-efficient of resistance for semiconducting materials
8.Give the application of Hall effect
9.Give the position of fermi level in an intrinsic semiconductor:
10.State law of mass action  
11.What are donars and acceptors? Give examples:
12.What are extrinsic semiconductor
13.What are the differences between indirect band gap semiconductor and direct band gap semiconductor?
14.What are the differences between intrinsic semiconductor and extrinsic semiconductor  
 15.What are the two types extrinisic semiconductor?
16.What is bandgap energy opf a semiconductor?
17.Obtain an expression for the band gap of a semiconductor
18.What is a compound semiconductors? What are its uses?
19.Describe the variation of conductivity with temperature in intrinsic semiconductor  
 20.Explain the variation of Fermi level in a n-tpe and p-type semiconductors with carrier concentration and temperatures.  
 21.What is Hall effect? Derive an expression for the Hall voltage.
22.Write short notes on extrinsic semiconductor
23.Derive an expression for Hall voltage and Hall coeffcient
24.Derive the mathematical expressions for the concentration of electrons in the conduction band.
25.Describe the variation of fermi level with temperature and impurity in N type semiconductor?
26.Sketch the variation of fermi level with temperature in the case of intrinsic semiconductor:
27.Derive an expression for number of holes in the VB of the intrinsic semiconductor
28.Derive an expression number of electron in the conduction band in the intrisic semiconductor
29.How the band gap energy of intrinsic semiconductor can be determined?  
 30.What is Hall effect? Derive an expression for the Hall voltage. Explain an experimental method used to measure the Hall coefficient of a specimen.
31.Derive a mathematical expression for the carrier concentration of a p-type semiconductor and hence derive the expression for the Fermi level.
32.Derive a mathematical expression for the carrier concentration of an n-type semiconductor and hence derive the expression for the Fermi level  
 33.Derive the expression for carrier concentration in the intrinsic semiconductor
34.Derive an expression for carrier concentration in the n type semiconductor  
 35.Derive an expression for carrier concentration of P type semiconductor?
36.Explain the hall effect in n type semiconductor and describe an experiment to determine the hall coefficient of a conducting material?
37.What is Hall effect? Derive an expression for the Hall voltage. Explain an experimental method used to measure the Hall coefficient of a specimen. What are the uses of Hall effect  

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