Question Bank
CY2161 (2UGME-A) Engineering Chemistry-II
1. 'Case
hardening is also known as chemical heat treatment of steel' - Comment on the
statement. 2
2. Compare
and contrast between surface hardening and flame hardening. Dr.DM/CHE 2
3. Define
the term 'alloy'. 2
4. Describe
how tempering is carried out on steel. How the process changes the properties
of steel?2
5. Explain
how alloy is made by electrodeposition. 2
6. Give
the composition of most commonly used stainless steel and Tinman's solder.
7. How
is corrosion resistance of iron is increased ? 2
8. Illustrate
how alloy making can change the reactivity of metals. 2
9. Mention
the composition and uses of alnico and nichrome. 2
10. What
do you mean by plain steel and alloy steel ? 2
11. Write
the composition and use of Tinman's solder 2
12. Explain
how alloys are made by powder metallurgy 4
13. Explain
how annealing is carried out on steel and the changes in the properties of
steel due to this heat treatment. 4
14. Give
the composition, properties and uses of a) 18/8 stainless stell b) aluminium
brass. 4
15. Give
the composition, properties and uses of i) Commercial brass ii) Common bronze 4
16. What
is the objectives of heat treatment processes ? 4
17. Write
short note on case hardening. 4
18. Discuss
the different types of brass giving their compositon and uses. 6
19. What
are the advantages of alloy making ? 6
20. What
are the different kinds of stainless steel ? Give their composition and uses. 6
21. Write
brief notes on solders and bronze 6
22. Explain
the different methods of manufacturing alloys. 8
23. What
are alloys ? Discuss the importance of alloy making. 8
24. What
are ferrous alloys ? Write a short note on different types of ferrous alloys. 8
25. What
do you mean by heat treatment ? Explain the diffrent heat treatment processes
of steel. 10
Analytical Technique
1. Can
a colourless compound be estimated using colorimetry? 2
2. Compare
atomic absorption spectroscopy and flame emission spectroscopy. 2
3. Define
a)Bathochromic shift and b)Hypsochromic shift 2
4. Distinguish
atomic spectra and molecular spectra. 2
5. Give
mathematical form of Beer Lambert's law. 2
6. How
can you distinguish 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde from 2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde by IR
spectroscopy? 2
7. How
is IR spectral range subdivided? 2
8. IR
spectra are often characterized as molecular finger prints-justify. 2
9. Mention
few applications of UV spectroscopy. 2
10. No
two compounds have same IR spectra why? 2
11. State
Beer-Lambert's law. Mr.BRK/CHE 2
12. What
are auxochromes? Mention few examples. 2
13. What
are chromophores? Give a few examples. 2
14. What
are fluorescence and phosphorescence? 2
15. What
are the limitations of Beer Lamberts law? 2
16. What
are the limitations of flame photometry? 2
17. What
are the sources of UVlight in UV Visible spectrophotometre? 2
18. What
are the various types of electronic transitions that occur in a molecule? 2
19. What
do you mean by an electromagnetic spectrum? 2
20. What
is colorimeter? 2
21. What
is finger print region? Mention its importance. 2
22. What
is flame photometry? Name few metals that can be detected by this
method. 2
23. What
is the relation between wavelength, Wavenumber and frequency? 2
24. What
type of transitions are noted in CH3-CH3 and CH3-CO-CH3? 2
25. Why
particular filter is selected in colorimetric estimation of each metal ion in
solution? 2
26. Why
UV-Visible spectrocopy gives band spectra? 2
27. Will
the value of absorbance change,if the pathlength of a beam of light through the
sample is doubled and concentration is made half. 2
28. Calculate
the number of IR bands for following compounds (i) Methane (ii) Ethane (iii)
Water (v) Carbondioxide 4
29. Discuss
how IR spectral studies useful in the identification of organic compounds.
30. HOw
alkali and alkaline earth metals detected in flame photometry? Explain with
examples. 4
31. Illustrate
the various types of stretching and bending vibrations that occur in a
molecule. 4
32. List
down the various modes of vibrations in a molecule. 4
33. List
out the wave length ranges of electromagnetic radiations. 4
34. What
are the various types of transitions can happen in an organic molecule? 4
35. What
is IR spectroscopy? Mention the various regions of IR. 4
36. Derive
Beer-Lamberts law and write all the limitations. 6
37. Discuss
the various modes of vibrations that can occur in a molecule with diagram. 6
38. How
can Nickel be estimated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry? 6
39. What
are the sequence of events that takes place in flame emisssion spectroscopy? 6
40. What
are the various applications of IR spectroscopy? 6
41. Discuss
in detail the various types of electronic transitions that can occur in a
molecule. 8
42. Discuss
the principle and instrumentation of IR spectroscopy. 8
43. Discuss
the various components and working of UV- Visible spectrophotometre. 8
44. Explain
an instrumental method for the quantitative determination of sodium ion in
solution. 8
45. Explain
the principle and instrumentation of atomic absorption spectrophotometre. 8
46. Explain
the principle and working of flame photometre with a sketch. 8
47. How
will you estimate Sodium using flame photometric technique? 8
48. Write
the principle of colorimetry and explain the estimation of Iron by colorimetry. 8
49. Explain
the main features of working of UV-visible spectrometer with a neat block
diagram. 10
Corrosion & control
1. Explain
why pinholes on tin coated iron are more prone to corrosion than pinholes on
zinc coated iron. 2
2. Iron
corrodes faster than aluminium even though iron is placed below aluminium in
the elctrochemicalseries.Why? 2
3. State
the two conditions for wet corrosion to takeplace. 2
4. What
is corrosion? 2
5. What
is galvanic corrosion? 2
6. What
is meantby passivation? 2
7. What
is pitting corrsion? 2
8. What
is sherardising? 2
9. Wire
mesh corrodes faster at the joints.Why? 2
10. Define
waterline corrosion 4
11. Discuss
the factors influencing electrochemical corrosion 4
12. Explain
differential aeration 4
13. State
Pilling Bedworth rule and mention their significance. 4
14. What
is electrochemical corrosion? 4
15. Write
a note on corrosion inhibitor 4
16. Bringout
the differences between dry chemical corrosion and electrochemical corrosion 6
17. Discuss
the importance of deesign and material selection in controlling corrosion 6
18. Distinguish
between galvinising and tinning 6
19. Explain
the mechanism of drying of oils in paints 6
20. Mention
few methods of modifying the environment which prevent corrosion. 6
21. What
are the various factors that affect electroplating? 6
22. Write
down the functions pigment and thinner in paints. 6
23. Describe
the process of electroless nickel plating 8
24. Discuss
the importance of design and material selection in controlling corrosion. 8
25. Discuss
the various constituents of paints with their functions 8
26. Discuss
the various factors influencing corrosion based on nature of metal 8
27. Explain
the mechanism of hydrogen evolution and oxygen absorption in electrochemical
28. How
matrial selection and design can prevent corroson? 8
29. Write
a note on cementation process 8
30. Write
a note on surface preparation for metallic coating 8
31. Discuss
the different types of corrosion that we commonly come across. 10
32. Discuss
the various factors influencing corrosion. 16
corrosion and control
1. Bolt
and nut made of the same metal is preferred in practice. why? 2
2. Corrosion
can be considered as the reverse of the process of metal extraction.Justify the
3. Why
impure metals are more suceptible to corrosion than pure metal? 4
4. Mention
the distinction between electroplating and electrolessplating.Mention any two
advantages of electrolessplating. 6
5. What
are the requirements of a good electrodeposit?Explain any four factors
influencing the nature of electrodeposit. 6
6. Give
important cathodic and anodic reactions in presence and absence of oxygen in corrosion.
7. Describe
the various methods employed for the protection of metals from corrosion.
1. Can
we store copper sulphate solution in a zinc vessel? 2
2. Copper
gets deposited on iron nail immersed in copper sulphate solution.Why? 2
3. Define
cell constant.Indicate its unit 2
4. Define
electrode potential. 2
5. Define
emf. 2
6. Define
reduction potential.. 2
7. Define
standard emf 2
8. Define
the term single electrode potential 2
9. Distinguish
between electrolytic cells and elecrochemical cells 2
10. Distinguish
between specific conductance and equivalent conductance 2
11. Distinguish
between strong electrolytes and weak electrolytes 2
12. Electrode
potential of Zinc is assigned a negative value whereas that of copper a
positive value.Give reason 2
13. Give
the emf of the standard cell 2
14. How
will you represent the Daniel cell? 2
15. Magnesium
gives hydrogen when treated with sulphuric acid but silver does not-Give
reason. 2
16. Oxidation
potential of a metal is -0.34volt.Will it displace hydrogen from acids?Why? 2
17. What
are ion selective electrodes? 2
18. What
do you mean by reference electrodes?Give examples 2
19. What
do you mean by reversible cells? 2
20. What
is the role of salt bridge? 2
21. Why
a glass electrode can not be used for a solution of high alkalinity? 2
22. Why
is specific conductance decreases on dilution? 2
23. Why
salt bridge is used in the consruction of a cell? 2
24. Write
down the electroe reactions of calomel electrode 2
25. Write
the anodic, cathodic and cell reactions for the following cell: Fe/FeSO4
//CuSO4/Cu 2
26. Write
the cell reaction of Daniel cell. 2
27. Write
the Nernst equation for the calculation of electrode potential 2
28. Draw
a representative plot of conductometric titration of strong acid versus strong
base 6
29. How
is pH of a hydrochloric acid solution can be measured using the glass
electrode? 6
30. How
is standard electrode potential of an electrode determined? 6
31. How
will you determine the pH of a solution using glass electrode and calomel
electrode? 6
32. Suggest
a method to determine the electrode potential of Zinc 6
33. What
are electrolyte concentration cells? Derive the formula for the calculation for
EMF of that cell. 6
34. What
are the significances of electrochemical series? 6
35. Write
a note on glass electrode. 6
36. Write
down the applications Nernst equation. 6
37. Derive
Nernst equation for the calculation of emf of a cell. 8
38. Derive
Nernst equation to show the influence of concentration of a reactng species in
a cell reaction at a given temperature 8
39. Describe
the construction and working of Daniel cell. 8
40. Describe
the construction and working of standard hydrogen electrode and calomel
electrode 8
41. Discuss
the applications of emf measurements 8
42. Give
any four applications of emf series 8
43. How
do you measure the emf of an electochemical cell? 8
44. How
will you determine the emf of a cell by potentiometric method? 8
45. How
will you estimate the concentraion of a solution by potntiometric titrations? 8
46. What
do you mean by standard cell?Writeanote on Weston cadmium cell 8
47. What
is a galvanic cell?How does it function?Illustrate with an example 10
48. Write
a note on potentiometric titrations 10
49. Write
a note on concentration cells.Discuss its important applications 12
50. Write
a note on conductrometric titrations 12
Fuels and Combustion
1. Define
calorific value. Write its units. 2
2. Define
cetane number. How can it be improved in diesel? 2
3. Define
octane number. What structural features of hydrocarbons in unleaded petrol make
its octane rating on par with leaded petrol? 2
4. Distinguish
between coal and coke. 2
5. Distinguish
between proximate analysis and untimate analysis of coal. 2
6. Give
the composition and uses of water gas. 2
7. Good
petrol is not a good diesel. Justify the statement. 2
8. How
can you theoretically calculate the Gross calorific value? 2
9. How
is water gas superior to producer gas? 2
10. Name
the reagent used for absorbing CO2, CO and O2 during flue gas analysis by Orsat
apparatus. 2
11. Select
the compound which possess highest octane number and highest cetane number out
of n-heptane, n-hexadecane, n-octane and iso-octane. Explain why? 2
12. What
are the advantages of compressed natural gas? 2
13. What
is desulphurization of petrol? 2
14. What
is Dulong's formula? 2
15. What
is the cause of knocking in internal combustin engine? Name a commonly used
antiknocking compound. 2
16. What
is the drawback of presence of sulphur in the coal? 2
17. Why
a good fuel must have low ash content? 2
18. Why
is coke used in metallurgical process than coal? 2
19. Why
we can't prefer vapour phase thermal cracking process for cracking the heavy
oil? 2
20. Write
down the composition and uses of producer gas. 2
21. Write
the characteristics of a goog fuel. 2
22. List
down the advantages of catalytic cracking over thermal cracking. 4
23. Compare
straight-run gasoline, cracked gasoline and polymer gasoline. 6
24. Distinguish
between LTC and HTC. 6
25. How
can you determine the knocking tendency of gasoline? Explain briefly. 6
26. Write
about different varieties of coal. 6
27. Discuss
briefly about the petrol knock and diesel knock. 8
28. Discuss
briefly about the refining of petroleum. 8
29. Explain
the different ways in order to increase the anti-knock properties of petrol
oil. 8
30. Give
the composition of producer gas and water gas. How can you manufacture water
gas? 8
31. How
can you prepare gasoline by Bergius Process? Discuss the method with a neat
diagram. 8
32. How
can you synthesise gasoline from water gas? Explain the process with the neat
diagram. 8
33. What
are LPG and CNG? Discuss the advantages of LPG over gaseous fuel and CNG over
LPG. 10
34. What
is proximate analysis? Describe briefly about the analysis. 10
35. What
is ultimate analysis? Describe briefly about the analysis. 10
36. Describe
the determination of flue gas analysis and discuss its significance.
37. Write
note on the following: (a) Water gas and (b) Producer gas 12
38. How
will you manufacture the metallurgical coke by Otto-Hoffmann's method? How can
you recover several by-products from this process? 16
39. What
do you mean by catalytic cracking? Explain briefly the two types of catalytic
cracking process with the neat diagram. 16
Phase Rule
1. 'All
eutectic points are triple points but all triple points are not eutectic
points' - Comment in this statement. 2
2. Define
the term degree of freedom. 2
3. Define
the term phase. 2
4. Distingusih
between a eutectic point and a triple point. 2
5. Find
the no of phases in the following systems : a)mixture of graphite & diamond
b) mixture of chloroform & water 2
6. Find
the number of components if ammonium chloride solid is undergoing decomposition
in a cylinder containing little volume of HCl gas. 2
7. Give
an example for a invariant system. 2
8. How
many phases are present in the following " i) a mixture containing equal
volumes of water and alcohol ii) a saturated solution of KCl in water. 2
9. How
will you distinguish between melting point and eutectic point by thermal
analysis ? 2
10. State
the phase rule. Explain the terms in it. 2
11. What
are phase diagrams ? 2
12. What
are the applications of eutectics ? 2
13. What
are the characteristics of eutectic point in binary alloy system ? 2
14. What
do you mean by components of a system ? 2
15. What
do you mean by simple eutectic system ? 2
16. What
is the difference between a melting point and a eutectic point ? 2
17. Why
is condensed phase rule applied for two component alloy systems ? 2
18. Compare
and contrast between melting point, eutectic point and triple point. 4
19. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of using phase rule ? 4
20. What
will happen when a molten mass containing 90% of silver and 10% of lead is
colleddown ? 4
21. Define
the term 'Phase' ? Explain how the number of phases in a heterogeneous
equilibrium is calculated ? 6
22. Define
the terms phase, component and degree of freedom using suitable examples. 6
23. Explain
a method to recover pure silver from impure silver containing lead. 6
24. Explain
how thermal analysis is used to construct phase digram of a two component
system. 6
25. Write
a note on Pattinson's process. 6
26. Discuss
the salient features of lead-silver system. What are the advantages of studying
the above eutectic system ? 8
27. Draw
a neat phase diagram of Ag-Pb alloy system and interpret the diagram.
28. State
phase rule and explain its application to water system. 8
29. What
do you mean by condensed phase rule ? Explain the phased diagram of simple
eutectic system by using the condensed phase rule. 8
30. Write
the statement of phase rule and explain the terms in it ? 8
31. With
a neat sketch, explain the areas, lines and triple point present in phase
diagram of water. Explain how it is used to predict the effect of temperature
and pressure on water system. 10
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